Alok Ailawadi

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Some random links to important topics you will never otherwise care to read.

Java Streams - Simplified

The points you always miss when learning Java streams from tutorials.

Functional Programming in Java - 3: Optional best practices

This article describes some of the best practices for using Optional. Should be read after part 2.

Functional programming in Java - 2: writing readable code with Optional

How to write code which is more readable. Also get rid of that dreaded NullPointerException using Optional class.

Functional programming in Java - 1

Java has been an object-oriented language with imperative/procedural style. But for last some years Functional programming is gaining traction and very strengths of OOPs are considered weaknesses.

Since java 8 effort has been made to incorporate functional programming to it. This is not straight forward. Because it requires changing the structure of java while maintaining backward compatibility. That is why Java developers find it very difficult to move to functional programmig paradigm.

This Article is an effort to explore and dymistify functional programming in Java in hope that it will make it easier for developers to understand why it was done that way in java.